welcome to my cute page... njoy ur self (wat lahh cm umah sendri keyh )

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


around 10.48pm..
juz arrive umah...
baru balik dr joging with ika e.p n ika ixora..
both has same name...
juz bezakan EP or IXORA....
penat + puas..
lame gile kot x g joging...
abez joging td around 9 je...
start kol 8 lbeh....
slebih wktunye....kami pergi makn chickenchop...
kt bndar melaka....
aku yg knlkn tmpt tu,,,
sbb aku ske mkn kt sne..
(sori x de picture,,xsmpt nk amek..lapo)
pas mkn,,
sume keletihan..
then we all go back...
pnt sgt....
>for azie n yg len2 x dpt ikot...
maafkn aku ok...
xde niat nk tggl korg..tp aku taw...
ko mmg xnk ikot,,,sbb td ptg kn aku da ajk...
ko xnk,,,sbb ko pnt..kn2..
sori sgt2 yg...
>for syg,,sori btaw slepas g...
hehe,,tkot awk x bg... ",)
sori sgt2 dear...
>now...time to study ye kawan2..
exm jumaat ni je...
>anywy,,wish me luck all..thanx