welcome to my cute page... njoy ur self (wat lahh cm umah sendri keyh )

Thursday, July 30, 2009


just now my mum call me..
n she said..
my sis had a fever....
and my sis always call my name...
(she miss me rite??)

ija pon rndukn adik gk....
da sebulan x jupe...
sabar ye...
sabtu ni ija balik ye dekno...
ija cuti semnggu taw....
t kite men 24jm x henti2 k syg...

sdey nye...
my mum ckp,,
dye xley mkn n minom..
sbar taw...
lg bape ari je..

(inilah DEKNO tersyg ku.)amt merindui mu syg

iklan : xcited ketemu DEKNO tersyg...
and pada masa yg sme...
xsnggop meningglkn yg TERCHENTA sdg kesakitan..

sad sod..sad sod...

panjang ceritanye...
2 ari leps..aku ke klinik ayer keroh..
utk membwa kwn kepada bf ke sane..
kerana beliau demam...
amet lahh kesian..
sbb beliau terpkse memakai ini...sori gmbo x brpe terng..sbb gmbo ini di zoom..
ini lahh beliau...
beliau terpkse memakai mask utk mengelkkn drpd virusnye tersebr..

aku sgt sdey..
hari ini............................
aku terpkse pula menghntar bf aku kesane...
(akn ku upload gmbonye)

be strong syg...
i know u ley bertahn,..
sbr je lhh syg...
sy slalu berada di sisi awk...

aku mghantr bf aku ke klinik sne...
dan beliau menjalani pemeriksaan saringan..
kamu ingin taw x...
amt terkejot...
dak UTEM n KKBB sudh dijgkiti wabak itu dgn luas...
MMU also ad,,,tp x diketahui ramai..
(hnye owg2 tertntu shje)

sgt sdey meliht smua td..
begitu rmai yg demm..
dan yg x ley hndle nye...
sume skli mempunyai darjah celcios yg tggi..( 38-49c)

ya allhh...
lindungi lahh sume hamba2 mu dari VIRUS H1N1..

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


chairman!! ",)

klakar gile tody..
taw x..time klz law td..
pehh,,,punye lahh rmai yg wat hal sndri...
tgk je lag gelagak aku mngambil gmbo
mereka2 yg x SUKA sama law...
otak kiteowg sume,,mmg lahh LEMAH gila
kalo nk surh membaca ni ok..
tp kalo mengira...
mcm antu sume..
laju je...

ni lahh gelagat2 mereka yg sempat
aku snap td!!hehe

1st : tgk lahh,,sume wt dang je
2nd: nmpk x our lcturer kt dpn tu??
sir,,sir x membosnkn actually,,subjek tu je..k..
jgn slah anggp..sir best!!sporting..chayok2!!hehe
3rd : ini ayna ok..tgk lahh,,bz ngn nset..haihhhh
4rd: haaaaaaaaaa,,,ni yg terbaik!!wtpe lahh kt ujong tngjong tu..

: sori ye sesiape yg ad kt dlm ni...
tercandid actually...
kalo mara..sila sila sila kan lah dtg
berjumpa tuan hamba..ok!!

Sunday, July 26, 2009


cntinue ag pasl hmster....
skunk ni asek cte pasl hmster je kn...
nmpknye begitulahh,,,

first of all...
juz nk btw...
skunk ni da x boring...
walaupon 'mereka' tiada...
i dun care anymore..
syg jgn wisau k...
sy hepy ngn life skunk..
seriously syg,....
plz...blieve me...n plzzz..
jgn rase berslh ats ape yg da terjdi k...

skunk strt blek cerita hmster...
huuuiiiii...seriously beb...
ciut + comel gila hmster2 tu....
dulu mereka takot akn 'kami'...
skunk ni...
mereka da berjinak2...
xsbar nye nk bwk blek jb...
boleh ke bwk blek nek bas??
aduyaiii...redha je lahhh..
nk nek kete,,wet xde..
(bile lahh ptptn nk msok ni.)

inilahh latest pnye gmbo hmster2 tu,,,
tgk jgn x tgk....
n jgn jelez plakk... ",)

ni adlah rumah tmpt dye men2...comel sgt
ni tmpt dye mandi actually..
k.hana ckp,,dye xley kene air...
so,,dye mndi gune sabun dye je lahh..
ciut sgt tgk dye mndi,,
mereka sedang bermanje2...
actually,,hmaster ni sgt romantik ok...
haaaa,,strt dr awl beli,,kiteowg asyk ambil gambo dye je...
so,,skunk,,dye da taw da...ciap pndai posing lg da...
e2 tmpt main dye...
ni tmpt dye lari2 dr musoh..haha
(tok owg hati busok,,dye akn lari bila melihat kamu)haha
manja kn...aku tgh bg dye minom..
haihhh,,germmnye...ni cubit2 je..tp xley..haha
mereka sydh ciap utk pergambaran...

e2 lahh mish hidup si ciko n ciki ku syg...
sekian terima kasih...

iklan to syg:
i luv u fucking damn much...
even da ade hmster pon..
u always in my heart,,,

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


new hobbies begin(only him lahh)
nth knp nth...
sjk ble nth
dye suke akn binatang ni..
pelik tol...hehehe
(jgn mara syg)

him pnye hobbies baru ialah
bela binatang(hamster)
so cute ok...
comel sgt...
bak kate 'him'
>ske sgt tgk time dye mkn
>tgk time dye men kt wheel tu..
>tgk dye active..

mcm2 aglah yg him suke...
tp kn.................
yg paling sedey...
him xdpt pegang2 hmster tu smpai skunk..
dye ckp,,sgt lembut +takot + geli(sbb bulu dye)
(msti him cdey..cian sygku..)
xpe2...dun wori...
(kate nk yg aktif,kne lahh redha ye syg)

ni lah hamster pujaan him..
binatang nye dua ekor sbnrnye,.tp yg seekor je slalu kelihatn,,
yg lagi seekor still ag malu2,,so x brape activexcited uhh dye lihat..
yg lg 1 balang tu..
housemate dye pnye..kiteowg pnye hmster
kecik je..
yg besr tu housmte dye pnye..
"ciko"(nme hmster ni)..dye sgt aktiv...
slalu main kt wheel ni..
ciri2 hamster:
  • ad dua ekor.(ciko n ciki)
  • seekor betina n seekor jantan..
  • both sgt active..
  • sgt comel..
  • sgt ciut..
  • geram apabila xdpt pegang2..
  • eeeeee...geramlahh sng cite.

ciri2 ma syg:
  • seeorg yg comel..
  • ngade2...
  • suke marah(agknye kot)
  • gedik..
  • gatal..
  • penyayang..
  • periang..
  • penggoda(cehh wahh)
da lahhh..
luv u syg..jgn mara

dats all 4 today..

malam mggu..

xtaw nk wt pe mlm ni...
nk pusing2 satu melaka..
da bosan...
pe lahh nk jd....

rutin malam ini:
kiteowg g tgk gigs kt uptown..
actually aku x mnt...
tp di sebbkn terkenang akn
boyfriend aku n yg wt gigs tu dye pnye
aku pon g lahh tok bagi supported n
makbulkan pe yg bf aku nk..ehemmm..

smpai suda,,
gigs pon bermula pd jm 10mlm...
aku x thn,,
bosn sgt + kaki skit(xde kerusi kot)

bf aku pon agk kecian r...
so,,kiteowg jln2 kaki kt ice on mlaysia kecik..

pastu,,pastu kn...
kiteowg terjupe nihh.

aku sgt kagum tgk pertunjkkn air tu..
(agk jakun)
lawa sgt kot..
aku x tw nmne tmpt dye tu ape..
tp cantik sehh air tu...
cm tenang je tgkk...

after tgk sume..
bosn pon sudh smpai..
kiteowg balik...

to syg:
thanx dear sbb melayan karenah sy yg x betol ni..
thanx sbb sggop berkorbn tok ape je..
n sori if kadang2 sy x mghargainya,..
i luv u sgt2 syg....
kite gado bkn sbb BNCI,,tp sbb...
kalau x gado idop x rock lahh syg..
luv u sgt2...

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


cdey sgt...
(xbape sgt lahh)

sori pasl td...
sy taw r sy slh..
k2 x...

i luv u so so so much syg...
(kalau time marah je tipu)

Thursday, July 16, 2009


pass is pass...
let it be...

no more mara2 n gado2..
tody i had a exm..
around 3pm...
so,,wish me luck all..

utk 'dia'....
aku try tok 4get pe yg ko da wt...
aku sedr aku slh...

rmai da bg petunjk n nasiht kt aku...
n aku take it as positif thing...
bak kate diowg...
'bkn dye seorg je yg ko ad,,,
xmustahil dye xde,,life ko xepy..
(ma life not suck without u lahh.).'

also supported from ma terchenta!
he support me a lot..
thanx dear,,,

to all ma fwen yg x putos2 bg aku smngt tok teroskn idop.,..
thanx jgk...
expecially EFFA...
thanx a lot dear...
aku taw ko memahami aku...

to k.hana,shila, ma mum,,family..
thanx coz sudi mendengar rinthin ini..
thanx a lot to all....

>new life begin...without stranger,
without bad heart,without fuck fwen.!!

i'll take it as a experience n also teladan..

(mak,,serik da nk kwn ngn owg cmtu..sumph makk..
ija takot kene maki dh,,,tkot sgt2 mak,,)

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


around 10.48pm..
juz arrive umah...
baru balik dr joging with ika e.p n ika ixora..
both has same name...
juz bezakan EP or IXORA....
penat + puas..
lame gile kot x g joging...
abez joging td around 9 je...
start kol 8 lbeh....
slebih wktunye....kami pergi makn chickenchop...
kt bndar melaka....
aku yg knlkn tmpt tu,,,
sbb aku ske mkn kt sne..
(sori x de picture,,xsmpt nk amek..lapo)
pas mkn,,
sume keletihan..
then we all go back...
pnt sgt....
>for azie n yg len2 x dpt ikot...
maafkn aku ok...
xde niat nk tggl korg..tp aku taw...
ko mmg xnk ikot,,,sbb td ptg kn aku da ajk...
ko xnk,,,sbb ko pnt..kn2..
sori sgt2 yg...
>for syg,,sori btaw slepas g...
hehe,,tkot awk x bg... ",)
sori sgt2 dear...
>now...time to study ye kawan2..
exm jumaat ni je...
>anywy,,wish me luck all..thanx


1. Bekas kekasih saya adalah :
of course yg berlainan jantine ayte?

2. Saya sedang mendengar :
u'll alwys be my baby

3. Mungkin saya patut :

lebih romantik kot..

4. Saya suka :
tgk laot..suke sgt okeyh

5. Sahabat-sahabat baik saya :
its the great

6.ucapan utk shabt :
sori all if ad wt slah..sori sgt2

7. Saya kehilangan :
part of my frens

8. insan di sayangi :

mohd ruhafiza b mohd ruhamin

9.makna nama saya:

cahaya ketenangan

10. Cinta itu adalah :
lumrah kehidupan

11. Di suatu tempat, seseorang sedang :
bergembira bersame pasangannye

12. Saya akan cuba :
memperbaiki kelemahan

13. Ayat SELAMANYA membawa maksud :
never ends..

14. Telefon bimbit saya :
murah je..

15. Bila saya terjaga dari tidur :
tepon my dear.

16. Saya paling meluat apabila :
dpt backstappers!

17. Pesta/Parti adalah :
njoyed time with ma lurve

18. Haiwan yang paling comel yang saya pernah temui ialah :
xtw pe nme dye..haha

19. Peringkat umur yang paling menyeronokkan bagi saya ialah :

20. Hari ini :
sy hepy sgt..kerana DIA

21. Malam ini saya akan :
dating bersama DIA

22. Esok pula saya akan :

g bli coconut shake..

23. Saya betul-betul ingin :
dewasa cpt..

24. Ketika anda lihat wajah anda di hadapan cermin pagi ini :
mlasnye nk bngon..mke poyo

25. Pusat membeli-belah atau arked permainan :

tmpt meghabiskn duet..

26. Makanan Barat atau Jepun :
xmkn lahh,,makn yg kampung2 pnye je

27. Bilik yang terang atau gelap :
sderhana,,xbole tido dlm gelp,,takot..

28. Makanan segera adalah :

29. Ayat terakhir yang anda katakan pada seseorang?
syg..im sori 4 all mistake that i made..

i never means to do that..

i luv u sgt2 syg..

30. Siapa yang anda mahu Tag


Sunday, July 12, 2009

we have fun..

today is 12/7/09
saturdy, 5pm..

rutin hari ni ialahh
ma love :masak,,ciapkan makann,,
then g pntai...
me : baik bosss...
roger n out...


around 2pm,,
we all mask together2,,,
(xde lah special sgt,,biase2 je..)

dah ciap sume,,
kami pon berangkt ke klebng,,,
he drive,,im juz rilex,,,
smpai je ke klebng,nmpk pulak ad org jual durian..
(aku da lah antu durian)
then,kiteowg pon bernti,,bli lah dua biji durian...
utk di mkn di tepi pntai nnt...

smpai ke klebang beach:
we have fun at klebang beach,melaka...
sgt best ok....
pas ciap mkn mknnn yg kite bwa td,,
aku pon mkn lah durian tu,,,
syg aku da bising dh,,
sbb dye x mkn durian,,n he said: bau busok sgt...
tp x pe...
oleh kerana dye syg aku,,,dye thn,,
yg paling aku suke gile tu...
dye sggp mkn durian tu...
thanx q so much dear..
thanx sudi temn kn sy mkn..

after done eating:
kami men ombak2 di situ...
hahahha,,mcm budk2...tp xpe..
hepy sgt....

around 8pm,,,
kami pon balik....
dun know pe yg kite buat kt sne..
tp sumpah weii,,
balik je dr pantai tu..pnt gile...
mcm baru pas tanm pkok je aku rse...
huhu...itu lah kish ku untuk ari ni..

ma lurve,,,

peace syg...

(sje je nk mnje2)

5 thanx
to syg:
:thanx coz sudi mkn durian tu...
: pencapaian yg agk menarik..
:thanx coz sudi ilang tnsion sy..
: thanx coz bwk g pntai...
:thanx coz be with me when i need u...
: thanx,,thanx,,thanx n thanx a lot syg...
for being ma love...
: we are made for each other...i'll never leave u..
monday 2a.m

>juz arrive melaka...
start new life with ma syg at melaka..
(sumph bosan dye x de kt mlake)

sgt2 okeyh!!
dye hntar aku blek ep,,,
then,,tido,,tido n tido...
klz esok nye,,
still terskip!!
(pnt woooo,,,lecturer,,plz,,,undrstnd me.)

9 p.m....
slepas done dinner with ma syg...
we go to M.B.M.B (melaka)
dudk2..release tnsion,,
as usual lahh,,
borak2 n so on....
xpuas agi kot jpe d jb...
aduyaii,,,cmner ni....

bila nk kwen ni...
jom kawen kt thailand)
syyyhhhhhh...jgn smpai mak dngo...
mati kite nnt...

we sty at mbmb,,,around 4 hours,,,
from 9pm until 12a.m....
besh giler lepak ctu...tenang je,,,sejokkk,,nyaman,,,
mcm2 ade lahh...

>paling best.,,,tgk org berendot...hahaha
sumpah best weii...
jom lah tgk sme2..

ni lahh aku ngn syg aku di :(kuch kuch ho tai hei..)

to syg : thanx coz alwyz be wit me..
i really2 enjoyed with u dear..thanx

xcited ketemu

sori2 lame x updates...

lately im so hepy ok...
with ma love..24hours with me...
owhh,,thanx god...

>juz arrive jb...
looking 4 ma lalink...
rindu kt dye sgt2 okeyh!
da 2 mggu x jpe...
akhirnya ketemu jua...
i really2 luv u syg!!

(aittt,,smbunyi2 plak.. ",) )

2nd day at jb:
>go to dating(wajib okeyh)...
>lame xjpe..lpas rndu jp...
>borak2,,byk bnde nk story uhh..
>jalan2,,pusing jb..haha
>g tman,,,release tnsion(tnsion ke??).huhu..

de prson who steal my heart!!

im fucking luv him...
dear...i luv u soo soo soo tongg,,,ehhh,,
x2,,sooooo much much.. ",)

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


korang ingt x aku ckp,,
smlm x ley tdo..
then aku g mkn n.lemak ngn shila...
damn shitt,,,
u know wat hppen to me dis morng..
look at de below....

haha,,aku kepenatan,kengntokan,di klz lecture kot..

keje aku mmg cmni..
mlm jd burong hntu..
siang tdo...
sgt ngntok okeyh dlm klz td...
tuhn je lah yg taw...

to ma fwen : thanx okeyh 4 dat cndid..(huhu)