welcome to my cute page... njoy ur self (wat lahh cm umah sendri keyh )

Saturday, February 13, 2010

valentine + CNY = singapore

damn happy...

we all nek bas dr jb ke singapore around 9am..
smpai singapore arond 10am..
strt smpai kiteorg g umah my sis..(kaann)
hahah(bodek nk duit je)
tp dot skit je..
xpe2..then dye ckp,,t g jln2 sndri lahh..
but but.. b4 tuhh dye belanja mkn secret recipe dulu
sbb dye nk g hntr krisya g sekolahh...
dye byr weii.
jimat cost mkn aq..

ni adalh pic2 kami d sne..
strt from secret recipe.. .>>>
then we all go to hard rock cafe..
sbb sebelhh je shoppng complex tu..
kiteorg pon dgn xcited nye pergi kesne..

he try try n try..
beli lahh syg...
rehat2 di depan 'takashimaya'
smpai mkn karipp kegemarn aq..
b..sedp kn?
tu lahh..org ckp xnk cye..
then >>
byk sgt gmbo sebenrnye...
tp mlz nk upload...
so,,just upload mne yg pntg je lahh..
pas da shoppng sume..
sgt puas + sgt pent..
strt from 10 till 6..
non stop perjlanan kami..
pent gile weii..
then..call kaann..
coz,,dye nk blek jb jgk..then rezeki mnyebelahi kami..
kaann belom betolak..alhmdullilah..
(kalo x kene nek bas lahh sy) haihhhh
then kol 7 grk jb ngn dye..
pehhhh..jem gile...
perot da bunyi2 ni..
then kiteorg mkn kt 'restoran karabau'
kenyang sgt..
(thnx kaann) <33
(gmbo ni tercicir ke bwh..sbb dye berbentuk landskp,tkot xkems)
all this ia a picture while
at singapoe.. 11 feb 2010..
thnx bby...
thnx sgt for all those thing..
luv u more n more baby..