attitude ekk??
xsume org perfect kan...
aq taw aq nih kasar lahh...
rude skit..
tp 1 je kelebihn aq..
aku ckp jujo...
(bkn nk belagk k..cpe yg knl aq,,diowg taw lahh)
aq x pnh selindung pape..
everybody understnd me rite now..
owhh god..thnx q so much..
talking about other people...
what do u think?
people can change rite?
owhh shitt..
my life is fucking complecated with fren..
y ek?
but its not about me only..
its involve everybody in the house...
no need to story here..
what is pass,already pass..
no need to remind it again...
im just hopefully everything gonna be fine..
and did'nt happen again...
we're housemate..
kemane aq g pon..ko jgk yg aku nmpk..
i just wan everything ok and jd mcm dulu..